
Bringing Christ to those in Need

The joy of the Gospel is often most needed in spaces where people find themselves alone, suffering and without hope. As Catholics, we are called to seek out the stranger, heal the sick and comfort the weary so all may know a deeper relationship with Christ.

The one by One campaign will promote the social teachings of the Church, especially those relating to justice and dignity, through Catholic Charities and complementing diocesan programs that bring healing and peace through pastoral outreach.

Bringing Healing to those in Need

"Charity and justice are actually two sides of the same coin or like the right and left hand of the body of Christ, the Church.  When we do acts of charity, we ought to be thinking about how we can be part of a solution on a systematic level so that people are not devastated by the unjust actions of others." - Bishop David L. Ricken, Parishes: Called to be Holy, Fully Engaged, Fully Alive



Provide outreach to people struggling in life

Through the mission and ministry of the Catholic Church we are able to help our brothers and sisters find healing in today's world.  Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay lives out the mission of the Gospel in serving families and individuals who are most in need in our communities.  They address gaps in service and respond to those among us that others won’t serve.  This important ministry and others will bring the love of Christ in the following ways:

  • Expansion of the compassionate services of Catholic Charities
  • Providing training and service through pastoral healing ministries
  • Caring for the needs of our rural parishes 
  • Supporting our homeless brothers and sisters
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How will this campaign help people in need?

Through your support of the one by One campaign more people will be able to receive services for such things as mental health counseling, addiction services and financial health services in expanded areas throughout our Diocese.

Grants will be available to service providers who help homeless people throughout our Diocese. 

Across Wisconsin overdose deaths are up 35% over last year.  As a result, the growth of this epidemic has revealed a need for more trained alcohol and drug counselors in northeastern Wisconsin. These prevention and counseling services are needed now more than ever. Through your support of the campaign more counselors will be available to help families and individuals struggling with addiction.


The counselors at Catholic Charities are the face and hands of Christ in our communities supporting those struggling most in life.  Through your support of the one by One campaign you ensure the future of our parishes, enhance Catholic education, broaden social services and living justice programs and care for our seminarians.  Help people of all ages experience the joy of knowing our Lord.  Please give generously today!


support us and change the course of a child’s life today!

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