
Enhancing our Catholic Schools

Help form our young people and families in the Catholic faith.  Our Catholic schools and faith formation programs are centers of discipleship and extensions of our homes.  Here students learn about how much Jesus loves them and the great plan He has for their lives.  

Strengthening and Advancing Catholic Education into Schools of Discipleship

"Our world needs Catholic schools.  Our world needs faith-based people.  Our world needs disciples who treat people with dignity and respect, with love of neighbor, with forgiving and passionate hearts, to do the work of Christ right here on earth."

Fr. Carl Schmitt, pastor at Holy Spirit Parish, Kimberly/Darboy

Strengthen & Advance Catholic Education

For our youth, the voice of Christ and message of the Gospel are woven into our Catholic schools and parish faith formations.  Our Catholic schools and faith formation programs play an important role in forming missionary disciples to spread the Good News.  Catholic education grows extraordinarily devoted Catholics, who are inspired to attend Mass, receive God’s gifts, pursue holy vocations to ordained service and create faithful marriages and households of discipleship.


OUR GOAL:  $4,000,000

Our 54 Catholic elementary and high schools form thousands of children and their families in the faith each year. But affordability of Catholic schools is a critical issue for families who may not qualify for need-based scholarships — and could be problematic in the future for families, and schools, relying on vouchers should the state of Wisconsin ever choose to alter or discontinue this program.

The one by One campaign will create an endowed scholarship program with $4,000,000 in campaign gifts to provide tuition support for students in Catholic elementary and high schools, with preference given initially to Catholic families registered with parishes. The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay will administer this new program in cooperation with the diocesan Office of Catholic Schools. 


OUR GOAL:  $3,225,000

Families who choose a Catholic education expect Catholic schools to be strong in both Catholic character and academic excellence. To ensure students are formed in mind and spirit, the one by One campaign will direct $3,225,000 toward enriching staff members to encourage discipleship, enhancing curriculum offerings and increasing marketing and outreach.     

Faith-filled students are more likely to grow into faith-filled adults who are engaged in the Church and the sacraments, and more likely to discern a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. But forming students into lifelong disciples requires teachers and school leaders who are themselves experiencing ongoing discipleship formation. The Diocese will enrich select staff members from each school who, as their own faith lives deepen, will become local catalysts for change and incorporate discipleship throughout their communities.

The campaign will also help Catholic schools maintain excellence through marketing and outreach efforts, best practices in financial management and awareness campaigns. By investing in tools and resources in multiple languages, we will ensure families from all walks of life can see the value of a Catholic education.


OUR GOAL:  $7,000,000

The majority of the school buildings in the Diocese are more than 40 years old and, at many schools, achieving academic excellence works hand in hand with well-maintained and improved facilities. A fund with $7,000,000 in gifts from the one by One campaign will provide partial grants to schools with facilities facing significant repairs, maintenance and upgrades that advance learning.

The one by One campaign will help strengthen school technology to support hybrid teaching in virtual classrooms as well as to introduce innovative instructional models. With students and parents more comfortable with technology and distance learning following the coronavirus pandemic, opportunities abound for our schools to band together to increase offerings that would be cost prohibitive if accomplished on their own, such as language classes.


Questions about what your schools will receive

That is correct!  There is financial assistance for low income families to have access to Catholic schools.  This campaign addresses giving access to middle income families to attend Catholic school as well.  This will give more families access to affordable Catholic education throughout northeastern Wisconsin. 

Through this campaign we can help many students who attend Catholic schools to be more likely to pursue vocations and become Catholic leaders.  A  student who pursues a vocation could become a pastor or a leader in one of our parishes.  These programs support the future generations of Catholics. 

Catholic graduates carry faith filled morals and convictions that transcend in their professional and personal life.  Statistically 99% of Catholic students graduate high school and have leading academic scores.  Students will be educated in cutting edge academics while also learning about our Lord.  The small group setting allows great one-on-one attention for a student as well. 



Catholic schools and faith formation programs introduce, educate and strengthen people’s relationships with God every day.  Through your support of the one by One campaign not only do you enhance Catholic education, you ensure the future of our parishes, broaden social services and living justice programs and care for our seminarians.  Please give generously today!


support us and change the course of a child’s life today!

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