Communication & Technology Needs
Methods used to effectively communicate messages, leading all to salvation, is rapidly changing. If we wish to lead others to the Kingdom of God, we must be dynamically present in the places where people communicate. Help the Diocese to more effectively and efficiently spread the Good News throughout our communities.
Improving Technology and Communication Strategies
"It is right to rejoice in these advances and to be excited by the immense possibilities which they continue to open up before us, for science and technology are wonderful products of a God-given human creativity."
Pope Francis, Laudato Si
Necessary technology upgrades are needed to:
- Strengthen our ability to communicate and share best practices in program and ministry development
- Ensure the security of diocesan data in an increasingly complex world
- Analyze and understand the impact of Catholic community programs
Questions about what your parish will receive
By modernizing and improving our technology and communication strategies, we enable the Diocese to more effectively spread the Good News and instill the teachings of Christ into every aspect of daily life.